The Beam Authentic is touted as the worlds first smart connected wearable. Apart from the 400×400 AMOLED display, ambient sensors, magnetic clip, the Beam authentic also comes with a rated battery life of 24-hours. The Beam Authentic is something you could use in a party place or perhaps a public gathering. This is a device that I could see volunteers trying to get attention for their cause can use. The Beam Authentic is currently selling for $99 on their official website and this includes a $3 donation to a charity. Now I can see a wide range of use for the Beam authentic, however, the device will still appeal to a certain niche. Beam Authentic can also be used for games that involve a large group. As far as I am concerned the Beam Authentic seems more like a device that broadcasts your message to the people in the same group. It is almost like having the effect of a loudspeaker without the noise of one. It may also end up helping people break the ice and start conversations. A particular group of Beamers can access the same stream content via the Beam app or the Beam devices. The only caveat I can see, as of now, is that it compulsorily requires the app or the Beam device to access the message. The Beam Authentic is available for both Android and iOS.