The company had launched the Galaxy Note Edge along with the flagship Galaxy Note 4 in September this year at IFA in Berlin. Eventually, Samsung brought the Galaxy Note 4 to India in October for Rs.58,300. The limited edition Galaxy Note Edge sports a 5.6-inch super Amoled screen which is curved on the right edge, making it an unique one-of-a-kind device. The smartphone is expected to be retailed at a best buy price of Rs.64,900 as per the same report. Asim Warsi, vice president for mobile and IT at Samsung India was quoted as saying: The LTE device will run on the Qualcomm Snapdragon 805 processor, and carries a 3,000mAh battery, 16MP camera and 32GB internal memory, expandable to 128GB. Much like the Galaxy Note 4, it comes with the S-Pen. In addition, the unique curved screen performs multiple functions such as providing another screen on which users can see notification displays, incoming calls, time, weather and stock tickers, among other tools. At Rs.65k, the Galaxy Note Edge will be treading the Apple iPhone 6 Plus line, but Samsung believes it’s worth the premium pricing by being the only device to sport such a unique display.

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